Website Marketing for Attorneys

Finding quality legal services can be a daunting task for many people, but with the right strategy, you can make it easier for potential clients to find your law firm. While word of mouth and personal referrals are still common ways for lawyers to be discovered, it’s becoming increasingly important for law firms to have a strong online presence. That’s why a well-planned website marketing strategy can be an effective way to attract more visitors to your site and generate leads.

To help your law firm drive more traffic to your website, our team of experts has compiled a list of 5 effective tactics. By implementing these strategies, you can increase your online visibility and reach a wider audience. Whether it’s optimizing your website for search engines, creating engaging content, or leveraging social media, there are many ways to attract potential clients to your website.

With a strong website marketing strategy in place, you’ll be better positioned to connect with potential clients and grow your law firm. So if you’re looking to boost your online presence and attract more visitors to your website, be sure to check out our list of 5 different tactics.

1. Create Informational Content

Creating high-quality and informative content is crucial in today’s digital landscape. The saying “content is king” has never been more relevant, especially when it comes to inbound marketing. By crafting content that resonates with your target audience, you can attract the right people to your website and build trust with potential clients.

To create content that resonates with your target audience, it’s important to start by understanding your niche. What are people searching for? By tailoring your content to address these areas, you can create content that your target audience will find valuable and engaging. This can be vastly different for areas of law. Someone who is searching for Child Support information will be searching for different types of questions than someone who is searching for DUI information. It’s also worthwhile to think about what type of content will convert for your niche. An example of this would be the difference between 2 blog posts. One titled ‘How much does a DUI lawyer cost in (state)’ vs ‘What is the DUI limit in (state)’. The first post will convert at a much higher rate.

There are several types of content you can use to engage your target audience, including blogs, eBooks, infographics, and more.

By focusing on creating informative and engaging content that resonates with your target audience, you can establish your law firm as a trusted source of information and attract more visitors to your website.

2. Improve Your EEAT Score

You’ve gone to school, you’ve passed the bar, and you’re an expert in your field. With the prevalence of AI in most topics on the internet it is important to let Google know that you are who you say you are.

E-E-A-T Stands for Expertise, Experience, Authority, and Trustworthiness
To improve your E-E-A-T score with Google as a lawyer, you need to focus on several key areas that Google considers when evaluating the authority and expertise of your website. Here are some tips on how to improve your E-E-A-T score:

  1. Expertise: As a lawyer, it’s important to demonstrate your expertise in your area of practice. You can do this by creating high-quality content that showcases your knowledge and experience. This can include blog posts, articles, whitepapers, or other forms of content that provide value to your audience.
  2. Experience: Google recently added another E to their metrics which stands for experience. The more experience you have and can demonstrate the better.
  3. Authority: Building authority in your area of practice requires more than just creating great content. You’ll also need to demonstrate that others in your field recognize your expertise. This can be done by obtaining backlinks from reputable websites in your industry or getting featured in news articles or other media outlets.
  4. Trustworthiness: Trustworthiness is a critical component of E-E-A-T, and it can be established in several ways. One way is by including information on your website about your credentials, certifications, and other relevant qualifications. You can also include client reviews or testimonials that attest to the quality of your work.
  5. Website Design: A well-designed website can also contribute to your E-E-A-T score. Make sure your website is user-friendly, easy to navigate, and provides a good user experience. This includes having a responsive design, fast load times, and clear and concise messaging.
  6. Consistency: Finally, it’s important to be consistent in your efforts to improve your E-E-A-T score. This means regularly updating your website with new and relevant content, maintaining your online presence on social media and other platforms, and staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices.

Note: is always on the lookout for new partners! Sign up for our lawyer partnership program today to become a part of our growing network and start enjoying the benefits of free traffic to your law firm’s website. Book a Calendly to learn more.

3. Review and Refocus Your Website

To attract the right audience to your website, it’s important to understand who they are and what they’re interested in. One way to do this is by using tools like Google Analytics to gain insights into your website traffic and channels. By analyzing your data, you can identify areas to optimize and make informed decisions about your website and content strategy.

Creating content and building a website is an organic process, and it’s not always clear what will resonate with your audience. By using data to guide your decisions, you can ensure that you’re creating content that appeals to your target audience and optimizing your website to improve its performance. For example, you may find that the content that’s driving the most traffic to your site is not what you expected, or that certain pages are converting better than others.

4. Partner With Other Influential Websites

While the legal industry may not have traditional influencers, there are still opportunities to collaborate with thought leaders in your field. If there are industry experts who have a strong following, consider partnering with them on content, webinars, or sponsored articles to tap into their audience and expand your reach.

While building authority for your own website can take years, there are websites like that are always on the lookout for experienced lawyers in their respective niches. These websites are often willing to collaborate with lawyers and provide opportunities to create free content and share their expertise with a wider audience. By partnering with these websites, lawyers can expand their reach, increase their online presence, and attract more potential clients.

You/Your Law Firm Gets:

  • Lead capture in the form of a branded form at the bottom of each page
  • Authorship of relevant posts from your state
  • Call to action to contact your firm on all reviewed posts
  • Powerful backlink to your law firm website
  • ~5-10k targeted views per month – free
  • Newly created content related to your area of expertise

Book a Calendly to learn more about our (currently) free program.

5. Local SEO

In today’s highly competitive legal landscape, local SEO plays a crucial role in ensuring your law firm stands out in search results. Since law is firmly within the YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) niche it has a much higher standard than typical content. Google needs to know that the content it shows in it’s regular searches is authoritative, for this reason they will usually favour larger and more established websites (like RecordingLaw). By optimizing your website and online presence for local searches and the map pack, you can effectively reach potential clients in your area and position your firm as the go-to choice for legal services. Search engines like Google rely on factors such as local content, social profile pages, links, and citations to deliver the most relevant local results to users.

To leverage local SEO for your law firm, start by ensuring your website contains valuable, localized content that highlights your expertise and the services you offer. This can include blog posts discussing local legal issues, case studies from clients in your area, and targeted landing pages for specific practice areas or locations.

Next, make sure your law firm is accurately represented on social media platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, with up-to-date contact information and engaging content. Consistently posting and engaging with your audience on these platforms will not only help your visibility in search results but also showcase your firm’s expertise and dedication to clients.

Gaining backlinks by becoming one of our partners is a great way to gain local SEO authority. Learn more by booking a Calendly.